New Furniture!
Posted January, 2022
After a rough couple of years for our students who have endured transitioning back and forth between school and remote learning, it was time to give them a little treat!
What better way to start the 2022 school year with new furniture across the entire school and adding a splash of colour.
A variety of furniture is in each classroom to accommodate different learning styles, highlighted by the standing desks in the senior building.
Each classroom has a jellybean table (pictured) which are great for small group and teacher
Pictured is our Prep/One room, which also had new carpet tiles laid over the break.
Cows Create Careers
Posted 8th August, 2019
This year Briagolong PS are participating in the Cows Create Careers program. This program helps to provide practical, insightful dairy industry education and career opportunities to school students throughout Australia. The Cows Create Careers program was started by the Strzelecki Lions Club in Gippsland, Victoria in 2004 and has now grown into a national program.
The program involves our school hosting two dairy calves who we will raise for 3 weeks. Carol and Geoff Landy have been kind enough to loan two jersey calves for this time. Over the next 3 weeks students will be feeding the calves twice daily, monitoring their health and measuring their growth compared to target growths on a regular basis. By bringing calves into our school, students who may not have had the experience of rearing calves will have the opportunity to learn of the different skills required in the dairy industry as well as the jobs that they may aspire to do in the future.
A huge thanks to Matt Cook for getting the shed ready!

Bike Education
Posted 21nd June, 2019
This week, our Grades 3 to 6 students have been completing the Bike Education program, which culminated in a road ride yesterday. Students completed both theory and practical based activities, learning to signal, ride in formation and be accountable on the road amongst other skills. It is important to follow up this learning with conversations at home about riding to and from school. A big thank you to the parent helpers who helped man sections of the course and assess riders as they went past.

Upcoming Events
Term 1, 2022
Feb 7 - Feb 14
Grade 3 to 6 Swimming
February 18
Swimming Sports (Whole School)
February 23
Interschool Gymkhana
March 9
School Photos
Mar 22 to Mar 25
Grade 5/6 Camp - Melbourne